Everything about roof renovations

Ensuring that your roof is in good condition is vital to the overall health of your home. You need to ensure that it’s not just providing what you need in terms of functionality but that it looks great! So, what are the signs that your roof needs a revamp or a renovation? And if so, how can you take advantage of a roof renovation and consider adding more daylight to your home?

Why renovate your roof?

To start with, you need to identify the areas of your roof that need to be renovated. This could mean structural repairs are required to secure your home and your family's safety. It might be part of an upgrade to your drainage system, a fresh layer of paint as part of a design update or something else.

No doubt introducing a roof window to your home as part of a roof renovation will significantly impact not just your home's looks but also how you and your family live. While you will naturally have to pay for the extra materials and a slight increase in labour costs; it will be significantly less costly than putting roof windows in later as a separate project.

Roof windows will allow you to enjoy more sunlight inside your home, transforming the space. You can also improve your home's ventilation through a roof window, allowing fresh air to flow into your home and creating a comfortable and healthy indoor climate.

What you need to know

Conservatory roof replacement

Revitalise your tired old conservatory and bring a new lease of life to your home with VELUX and Guardian Warm Roof.
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