
Bring more daylight and fresh air into your design. Find all the tools and inspiration you need to illuminate your next project.
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Technical resources
Find easy-to-use installation instructions and video guides, BIM objects and CAD drawings as well as further reference material for your project.
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Designed for historical and heritage buildings
The new VELUX Heritage conservation window has been specifically designed to be in keeping with the heritage aesthetics of traditional buildings.
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Daylight Visualizer
The VELUX Daylight Visualizer accurately calculates daylight levels to make complex analysis accessible at the start of a building project.
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Searching for daylight
At VELUX, we never stop searching for daylight. Hear five architects' talk of how we can improve our buildings with daylight and much more.
Explore more about daylight
D/A - Daylight & Architecture
In D/A you can find free Daylight Talks, lectures, articles and get inspired by latest creative input from young architects.
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Environmental product declarations
Make it easier to build sustainably with Environmental Product Declarations (EPD).
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